Large environments rendering on handeled devices.

Role: Post-doctoral researcher.
Funding: partially France-Telecom.

Before smartphones, at the time GPUs were comming to handeld devices (Dell Axim V). Developped solutions to stream and render large environments (terrains, NPR cities) on such devices. This was a natural continuation of my PhD works. Also open sourced a library named GLUT|ES to create OpenGl|ES1.0 contexts.


. Using Expressive Rendering for Remote Visualization of Large City Models. In proceedings of the 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. ACM SIGGRAPH. Washington. USA., 2006.

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. Adaptive Streaming and Rendering of Large Terrains using Strip Masks. In proceedings of ACM GRAPHITE 2005, pages 299-306. ACM. New Zealand, 2005.

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