Procedural generation and rendering of complex environments.

Role: Project leader.

These exploratory activities came from the conjunction of the large environment streaming and the procedural approach I developed over the years. In order to go further in the procedural generation of massive environment we explored different way to generate, on the fly, large cities and forests to produce higly detailed environments leveraging GPU performances.

Over two thesis, I led and other research we did in my team we developed a complete rewriting system executed on GPU able to generate highly complex scenes in real time including level of detail managment and multi-resolution schemes to go even further in the real-time streaming and rendering of such environments. The solution allowed to generate scenes requiring a theoritical amount of several Terabytes using a data footprint reduced to hundreds of mega bytes.


. Dynamic On-Mesh Procedural Generation. In Graphics Interface, Halifax, 2015.

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. Dynamic On-Mesh Procedural Generation Control. In SIGGRAPH Talks, Vancouver, 2014.

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. GPU Roof Grammars. In proceedings of Eurographics, Singapor. Buildings and Stereo Short Papers Session., 2013.

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. GPU Shape Grammars. In proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2012. Hong Kong., 2012.

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. Render-Time Procedural Per-Pixel Geometry Generation. In proceedings of Graphics Interface 2011. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada., 2011.

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