
. Crafting the MPEG metrics for objective and perceptual quality assessment of volumetric videos. In Springer QaUE, 2023.

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. NF-PCAC: Normalizing Flow based Point Cloud Attribute Compression. In IEEE ICASSP, 2023.

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. Coding of dynamic 3D meshes. Chapter 14 in Immmersive Video Technologies, 2023.

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. Compression of Time-Varying Textured Meshes using Patch Tiling and Image-based Tracking. In IEEE EUVIP, 2022.

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. V-PCC performance evaluation of the first mpeg point codec. Invited paper in SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, 2021.

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. V-PCC performance evaluation of the first MPEG point codec. In SMPTE 2020 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2020.

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. Analytic Approximations for Real-Time Area Light Shading. In IEEE TVCG, 2017.

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. Cache-Friendly Micro-Jittered Sampling. In SIGGRAPH Talks, 2016.

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. Contact Visualization. In Eurographics WICED, 2016.

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. Accurate Analytic Approximations for Real-Time Specular Area Lighting. In Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, ACM SIGGRAPH. Redmond, WA. Recieved Best Paper award and Best Presentation award, 2016.

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. Accurate Analytic Approximations For Real-Time Specular Area Lighting. In SIGGRAPH Talks, 2015.

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. Dynamic On-Mesh Procedural Generation. In Graphics Interface, Halifax, 2015.

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. Dynamic On-Mesh Procedural Generation Control. In SIGGRAPH Talks, Vancouver, 2014.

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. Pre-viz Technologies for Standard Production Workflows. In Eurographics Industrial Talks, Strasbourg, 2014.

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. Sub Pixel Shadow Mapping. In proceedings of I3D, San-Francisco, 2014.

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. Boundary-Aware Extinction Mapping. In proceedings of Pacific Graphics, Singapor, 2013.

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. Sub Pixel Shadow Mapping. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH talks, Anaheim, 2013.

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. Many Core Event Evaluation. In proceedings of ACM Siggraph Web3D, San-Sebastian, Spain, 2013.

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. GPU Roof Grammars. In proceedings of Eurographics, Singapor. Buildings and Stereo Short Papers Session., 2013.

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. Real time image based volume lighting. In proceedings of Eurographics, Girona Spain. Imaging Short Papers Session, 2013.

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. GPU Shape Grammars. In proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2012. Hong Kong., 2012.

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. Bringing Transmittance Function Maps to the Screen: Wrath of the Titans and Prometheus. In proceedings of ACM Siggraph Digital Production Symposium 2012. Los Angeles. Speed Session, 2012.

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. Volume-Aware Extinction Mapping. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2012 Talks. Los Angeles. Silence! Eliminate the Noise Talk Session., 2012.

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. Z3 Culling. Chapter in GPU PRO 3, 3D Engine Design part. A K Peters/CRC Press. This book chapter presents all the details regarding the talk, titled triple depth culling, we did at SIGGRAPH in 2011., 2012.

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. Extinction Transmittance Maps. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2011. Hong Kong. Production and Visual Effects Sketch Session, 2011.

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. Triple Depth Culling. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2011. Vancouver, Canada. Talk Session, 2011.

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. Streaming and Synchronization of Multi-User Worlds Through HTTP/1.1. In proceedings of ACM Siggraph Web3D 2011. Paris, France., 2011.

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. Render-Time Procedural Per-Pixel Geometry Generation. In proceedings of Graphics Interface 2011. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada., 2011.

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. Grabbing Real Light - Toward Virtual Presence. In proceedings of the 27th spring conference on Computer Graphics. Viničné - Slovak Republic., 2011.

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. Transmittance Function Mapping. In ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, I3D 2011. February 2011. San Francisco, USA., 2011.

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. Poisson disk ray-marched ambient occlusion. In ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, I3D 2011. San Francisco, USA. Poster session., 2011.

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. Single Scattering in Heterogeneous Participating Media. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2010. August 2010. Los Angeles, USA. Volumes and Precipitation Talk Session, 2010.

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. Adaptive Real-Time Rendering of Planetary Terrains. In proceedings of the 18th WSCG International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. February 2010. Plzen - Bory, Czech Republic., 2010.

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. Volumetric Shadow Mapping. In proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2009. New Orlean, USA. Real Fast Rendering Talk Session., 2009.

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. Adaptive Streaming and Rendering of Large Terrains: A Generic Solution. In proceedings of the 17th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. Plzen - Bory, Czech Republic., 2009.

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. Using Expressive Rendering for Remote Visualization of Large City Models. In proceedings of the 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. ACM SIGGRAPH. Washington. USA., 2006.

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. Adaptive Streaming and Rendering of Large Terrains using Strip Masks. In proceedings of ACM GRAPHITE 2005, pages 299-306. ACM. New Zealand, 2005.

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. The FL-system: A Functional L-system for procedural geometric modeling. In The Visual Computer, online first issue. Springer., 2005.

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. Open-ViBE: a 3D Platform for Real-Time Neuroscience. Journal of Neurotherapy, vol 9., 2005.

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. A Vrml97-X3D Extension for Massive Scenery Management in Virtual Worlds. In proceedings of the ninth international conference on 3D Web technology, pages 145-153. ACM SIGGRAPH. Monterey Ca.USA, 2004.

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. Remote Rendering of Massively Textured 3D Scenes Through Progressive Texture Maps. In proceedings of the third IASTED conference on Visualisation Imaging and Image Processing, pages 756-761. ACTA Press. Benalmadeña Spain, 2003.

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. Remote Interactive Walkthrough of City Models. In proceedings of Pacific Graphics, pages 389-393. IEEE Computer Society. Canmore Canada. Short paper., 2003.

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. Remote Interactive Walkthrough of City Models using Procedural Geometry. INRIA. July 2003. Rennes. Research Report RR-4885., 2003.

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Compression of Volumetric Videos.

Volumetric video, suitable for AR and VR, utilizes point clouds or textured meshes. Ongoing MPEG projects explore methods to compress these representations.

We-Flux: A Comprehensive Web Application for Streamlined Research Workflow

Streamline the research workflow and boost productivity with a comprehensive suite of tools for task management, note-taking, RSS feed monitoring, scientific bibliography management, and automated abstract extraction.

Immersive Communications and Entertainment with Mixed Reality Telepresence.

We develop an end-to-end solution for immersive communications (mixed reality telepresence) including volumetric rendering and full parallax support for enhanced presence perception.


A software platform dedicated to real time adaptive streaming, animation and rendering of high quality interactive digital contents.

Break the Isolation: A Multi-Device/Multi-User 4K 360 VR Player

Our multi-device/multi-user 4K 360 VR Player redefines the immersive VR experience by enabling synchronized playback across multiple devices, fostering social interaction and group engagement.

Automatic face rigging for VFX production

New algorithms and tools for automatic rigging of virtual characters. Especially applied to MPC virtual human.

Augmented Reality in home ecosystems.

Multi-user Augmented Reality around the TV and set top box. Proposed multi-user AR interaction paradigms and AR synchronization techniques to make them possible.

Real-time previs' for VFX and Animation production

In collaboration with Technicolor Animation and Games (Bangalore), Mikros Images (Paris, London) and MPC Advertising (New-York). Lighting and shading pre-visualization of complex animated scenes.

Procedural generation and rendering of complex environments.

These exploratory activities came from the conjunction of the large environment streaming and the procedural approach I developed over the years.

GPU accelerated set top box.

A GPU accelerated, highly responsive, full featured media center was developed using 3dCast, running on Intel Sodaville/Canmore set-top-box with OpenGL|ES 1.1.

Rendering of participating media for VFX productions

Held in collaboration with Moving Picture Company (London) to accelerate production quality renderings. We developed and transferred several participating media rendering algorithm for Film production rendering.

Multi-user online Virtual worlds.

A complete solution to run multi-user online worlds in a decentralized peer-to-peer maner together with high performance adaptive multi-resolution streaming technics for geometry and texture data delivery

Real-time multi-view compositing and rendering.

We proposed several solutions integrated in a whole production/distribution TV chain to synthetize and compose multi-view contents in real time on the GPU.

Real-time 3D video effects for live production.

Collaboration with Grass Valley, on GPU based 3D video effects core engine for live production. Developped the high end GPU based 3D effects generator and extended the solution to Virtual Studios.

Hemicyclia II

I contributed to the definition and realization of a large Virtual Reality room at INRIA Bordeaux.

Large environments rendering on handeled devices.

Before smartphones, at the time GPUs were comming to handeld devices (Dell Axim V). Developped solutions to stream and render large environments (terrains, NPR cities) on such devices.

OpenVibe Computer/Brain interface

OpenViBE is a software platform that enables to design, test and use Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs).

Interactive visualization of complex virtual environments, through networks and devices of variable performance

My PhD and MsCs projects related to large models streaming and rendering.

Online city visualization

A collaboration with architects, ergonomists and urbanists to develop a full featured system for visualizing online 3D cities with embeded cultural and architectural projects.

Old stuffs

Graphics related projects, for my recall

PhD students

Since 2022

Borba Pinheiro Rodrigo at InterDIgital Inc,
Deep learning based point cloud compression.


Dufay Arthur at Technicolor Research & Inovation,
High quality adaptive rendering of complex photometry virtual environments


Repain Alex at Technicolor Research & Inovation,
PhD in the field of procedural modeling and rendering. Unfinished.


Buron Cyprien at Technicolor Research & Inovation,
Interactive Generation and Rendering of Massive Models: a Parallel Procedural Approach.


Delalandre Cyril at Technicolor Research & Inovation,
Rendu temps réel de milieux participants.


Lerbour Raphael at Thomson Corporate Research,
Adaptive streaming and rendering of large terrains.


Held positions

  • 2018, Principal Scientist.

    InterDIgital Inc. Research & Innovation.

  • 2012, Principal Scientist and research group leader.

    Technicolor Research & Innovation.

  • 2010, Senior Scientist and project leader.

    Technicolor Research & Innovation.

  • 2007, Senior Research engineer and project leader.

    Thomson. Corporate Research division.

  • 2005, Research Engineer

    Thomson. Corporate Research division.

  • 2004, Postdoctoral researcher

    IPARLA project at the LaBRI. Funded by INRIA-Futurs.


  • 2004, PhD in Computer Graphics

    INSA of Rennes. Funded by INRIA and region Bretagne.

  • 2001, MsCS in Imaging and Artificial Intelligence

    University Rennes I

  • 2001, MEng in Computer Science

    INSA of Rennes